European Studies at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

European Studies at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

  SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 – This year, two projects from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv received a prestigious Jean Monnet grant. Within the new Erasmus+. this programme aims at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The fact that two Jean Monnet modules were awarded by the European Union to IFNUL is recognition that Lviv is one of principal academic centres in EU Studies within Ukraine.

  The first project “The EU’s Subnational Dimension” (553355-EPP-1-2014-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE, responsible person: Associate Prof. Roman Kalytchak – Department of International Relations and Diplomatic Services). The course started in September and will provide students with a deeper theoretical and practical knowledge of the third level of government within the European Union, will contribute to the more comprehensive understanding of European integration process and will be directly related to both a general grounding in EU Studies and an opportunity to specialize in a particular field. The course will develop a critically informed perspective on the implications for Ukrainian regions in the context of the relationship with the European Union. The module “The EU’s Subnational Dimension” is designed as part of the MA specialization “European Integration” and adopts an interdisciplinary approach by incorporating political science, public administration, economics and legal studies perspective. The course aims at serving as a point of reference for other EU-related courses, enriching the didactic offer in EU Studies and overcoming the prevailing emphasis on both the supranational and national levels within the EU. It will help to prepare students for their future professional life and provide them with specific skills and competence related to the subnational matters.

  The second project “Summer Courses in the European Law and Policies” (553310-EPP-1-2014-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE, responsible person: Associate Prof. Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva – Department of European Law). It is aimed at the organization and conduct of the summer courses in correspondence with the best European traditions and best practices as far as the teaching methodologies are concerned. The project activities include the establishment and conduct of the summer schools, where the Ukrainian and international experts and lecturers will be involved into the teaching process; the development of the supporting teaching materials for the summer schools; elaboration of the informational support strategies for the summer schools, as well as the organization and conduct of the round-table discussions and workshops, which are aimed at the discussions about the actual problems of teaching EU Studies and EU Law in Ukraine and at the fostering the public discussions about the European integration process. The summer schools, as planned within the framework of this project, have the thematic character and will focus on such issues as the development and theory of Law of the European Union (2015), the European Neighborhood Policy, its legal, political and economic aspects (2016) and the Human Rights and the European Union (2017). The target group of this project consists of the students of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and other HEIs in Ukraine, scientific staff of the research institutions, PhD students and young academicians, young specialists in the state bodies and local self-government institutions, whose professional duties include the area of the European integration issues either in national, regional or international dimensions.

  For more information about Jean Monnet grants, please visit:

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