New concept for learning foreign languages at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

New concept for learning foreign languages at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

   JUNE 17, 2015 – In April 2015 IFNUL Academic Council approved the new Concept of learning foreign languages at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Faculty of foreign languages will be responsible for its implementation.

   The concept outlines basic parameters of study and teaching foreign languages ​​for professional purposes, which involves changes mainly in the area of ​​methodology and didactics of teaching, as well as creating a regulatory framework for the development of foreign language courses at the University regarding the needs of a student. Therefore, its practical goal is aimed at the development of intercultural communicative competence of students, proved by successful results of the qualification exam. It is necessary to create favourable conditions of studying English as a language of international academic communication for graduates to achieve level B2 according to the Common European Guidelines for Linguistic Education.

   Therefore within four semesters there should be implemented such mechanism of teaching and learning foreign languages at faculties, according to which the language would not be part of professional training in order that the student could pass the test for level B2 without difficulty.

   By present time a very intensive and qualitative work has been conducted to provide the chairs of Foreign Languages at Humanitarian Faculties and Faculties of Natural Sciences with appropriate training and educational materials, moreover, there have been organized training courses for those teachers who have to provide the required level of proficiency among students of humanitarian and natural areas of science.

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