Магістерські програми

Стипендії Фонду Віктора Пінчука (Deadline – 15 травня 2023 року)

В рамках проекту, спрямованого на формування нового покоління української професійної еліти, переможці конкурсу – талановиті молоді українці віком до 35 років – отримають від Фонду Віктора Пінчука гранти на навчання за магістерськими програмами в провідних світових навчальних закладах, що увійшли до списку 200 кращих університетів світу за рейтингами QS та The Times Higher Education.


Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia: Visegrad Fund In-Coming Scholarships (Deadline – January 31, 2023)

The In-Coming Scholarships scheme is suitable for scholars who wish to study at accredited public or private universities or institutes of the respective national academies of sciences in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (i.e., the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia). The International Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships awarded to selected scholars for periods of 1 or 2 semesters (with the exception of Master’s scholarships within the In-Coming scheme where 1– to 4-semester scholarships can be awarded).


University of Tartu Master’s Degree Programmes taught in English (Deadline – April 2023)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs scholarships for applicants of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan – a limited number of scholarships are available for candidates applying for English taught Master’s programmes at the University of Tartu.


College of Europe Master’s Programs (Deadline – January 2023)

The College of Europe was the world’s first university institute of postgraduate studies and training in European affairs, and remains unique and innovative to this day. The College of Europe is a unique university institute of European studies, located in two campuses: Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Warsaw, Poland). The College offers postgraduate education in an international environment, resulting in a truly linguistic and cultural diversity.


Czech Government Scholarships (Deadline – September 30 each year)

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. Scholarships are dedicated solely to promoting the studies of adults who are foreign nationals from developing third countries in need.


Central European University Master and PhD programs (Deadline – January 31, 2023)

CEU is a new model for international education, a center for regional and global studies, and a source of intellectual support for building open and democratic societies that respect human rights. We are located in Budapest, a crossroads of the world. Our students come from 110 countries and our faculty from more than 30. CEU offers graduate-level English-language curricula in the social sciences, humanities, law, management and public policy.


Стипендії DAAD (Deadline – залежно від типу програми)

Різні види стипендій для навчання на магістерських, PhD програмах, наукових стажуваннях у Німеччині

Cтипендії Фонду Конрада Аденауера для навчання в Німеччині (Deadline – залежно від типу програми)

Фонд Конрада Аденауера надає сприяння навчанню іноземців у вищих навчальних закладах Федеративної Республіки Німеччина. Завдяки такому сприянню молоді люди з-за кордону мають можливість здобути диплом вищого навчального закладу ФРН або ступінь доктора наук і поглибити свої знання за фахом.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships for Master’s Studies (International Students) (Deadline – March 1, 2023)

The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,000 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students (International students – PhD and Master studies) of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degree at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunsthochschulen’).

Стипендії фонду Фрідріха Еберта (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)(Deadline – залежно від типу програми)

Один з найбільших стипендіальних фондів Німеччини, які підтримують обдарованих студентів і молодих учених з різних країн світу, у тому числі і з України.

Стипендії фонду Фрідриха Науманна (Friedrich Naumann Stiftung)(Deadline – залежно від типу програми)

Підтримка іноземних студентів і випускників ВНЗ. Стипендії для студентів старших курсів, випускників ВНЗ, аспірантів.

Стипендії фонду ім. Гумбольдта (Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)(Deadline – залежно від типу програми)

Стипендії на навчання та дослідження.

Стипендії на перебування у Німеччині КААД – Східноєвропейська програма (Deadline – January 15/June 30, 2022)

Католицька служба академічної підтримки іноземців (KAAD) – Cтипендії для студентів християн (після 6 семестру), випускників ВНЗ і науковців.


Eiffel Scholarships for International Students in France (Deadline – January 11, 2023)

The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs offers Eiffel scholarships for international students annually. These scholarships are awarded for pursuing a master degree at French host higher education institutions and a PhD through a thesis joint supervision or co-tutorship with a foreign higher education institution partner. The scholarship supports for a maximum duration of 12 months for M2, a maximum of 24 months for M1, maximum duration of 36 months for an engineering science diploma and for a maximum duration of 10 months for PhD program.

Ecole Normale Superieure, International Selection (Deadline – December 7, 2022)

The École normale supérieure (ENS) is an elite higher education institution (graduate school) for advanced undergraduate and graduate studies, and a prestigious French research center. It encompasses fourteen teaching and research departments, spanning the main humanities, sciences and disciplines. Unique among France’s grandes écoles for its training in the humanities and sciences, the ENS prepares its students for their role as future leaders in every imaginable professional field.


Chevening Ukraine Scholarships (Deadline – November 1, 2022)

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to talented professionals who are potential future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers. The Scholarships not only offer financial support to study for a Master’s degree at the UK’s leading universities, but the opportunity to become part of an influential and highly regarded global network.

Westminster International Scholarship (Deadline – залежно від типу програми)
The University of Westminster is an international university with a diverse community of students and staff in the heart of a global city. The Univeristy if proud of our Scholarship Scheme, which supports students from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.


KU Leuven Science@Leuven Scholarship (Deadline – February 15, 2023)

The Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven and its alumni association Science@Leuven are proud to announce the Science@Leuven Scholarship!


Maastricht University High Potential scholarships (Deadline – залежно від вибраного факультету December, 1, 2021-February 1, 2023)

Maastricht University aims to further strengthen its position as a leading European university offering high-quality education with an international orientation. To this end, the university implements a pro-active recruitment policy for international students, in particular for the Master’s programmes. Scholarships are made available by the Maastricht University Scholarship Fund in order to encourage talented students from outside the EU/EEA to follow a Master’s programme at Maastricht University.

Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme (Deadline – February 1, 2023)

For excellent Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University master’s degree programme and for excellent students from all nationalities enrolling in a Master of Law Advanced Programme or MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy.

VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) for International Students in Netherlands (Deadline – February 1, 2023)

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) offers talented prospective students the unique opportunity to pursue a degree in a selection of Master’s programmes at VU University. VU University has committed to providing approximately 1 million euro towards attracting highly motivated, excellent students. All applications received by 1 March will be reviewed by the faculty at which the applicant will be participating in a Master’s programme.


Lund University Global Scholarships (Deadline – Spring 2023)

As a top 100 university and ranked in the top 0.4% of universities in the world, Lund University attracts high achieving students from across the globe. The Lund University Global Scholarship programme seeks to recognise these students by awarding academic excellence grants.

Umeå University Scholarships for International Students (Deadline – March 15, 2023)

Umeå University welcomes talented and high-achieving students from outside the EU/EEA. Applicants of one of the 29 Master’s level study programmes that are offered in English are eligible to apply for one of the multiple scholarship opportunities available.

Swedish Institute Visby Programme for master’s level studies in Sweden (Deadline – залежить від семестру навчання)

Visby Programme for master’s level studies in Sweden The aim of the Visby Programme is to build an integrated, knowledge-based and research-intense region, centred on the Baltic Sea but also bridging to the Eastern Partnership countries and the Russian Federation.


University of Bern Masters Grants for International Students (Deadline – залежить від семестру навчання)

The University of Bern Masters Grants provides an opportunity for international students to pursue a Master’s programme.


Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) (Deadline – October 31/May 31 each year)

The Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) is awarded to international students wishing to undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne.


Government Scholarships for Master and PhD Studies in Turkey (Deadline – March 2023)

Türkiye Scholarships Postgraduate Programmes are full government funded programmes for successful international students from all over the world for postgraduate studies in Turkey.

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) Graduate Scholarship Programme  (Deadline – January-March/August-September each year)

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) is offering graduate scholarships for international students. Scholarships are awarded to pursue a graduate degree (Masters and PhD) in Turkey. The maximum duration for the scholarship is 2 years for the Masters and 4 years for the PhD program. All scholarship awardees who successfully complete a Master’s program will be rewarded scholarship for a PhD program on the condition that they are admitted to a program at a Turkish University.


Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program  (Deadline – May 2023)

The mission of the World Bank Group is to reduce poverty and improve living standards through sustainable development and investment in people. The World Bank Institute (WBI) is at the forefront of the Bank’s efforts to promote learning and deliver to the stakeholders, the best thinking and experience emerging from around the world on issues crucial to reform and socio-economic development. The Program awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at universities renowned for their development research and teaching.