National Tempus Office in Ukraine
The Tempus programme has come to an end on 31/12/2013. As of 1 January 2014, Tempus-like activities, namely capacity building activities, have become part of a new cooperation programme called Erasmus+. These activities involve existing Tempus countries, in addition to countries from Latin America, Asia and African, Carribean and the Pacific.
General Information
Tempus is the European Union’s programme which supports the modernisation of higher education in the Partner Countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region, mainly through university cooperation projects.
It also aims to promote voluntary convergence of Partner Country higher education systems with EU developments in the field of higher education. In addition to institutional cooperation Tempus also promotes a “people to people” approach.
Tempus provides support to consortia of institutions composed mainly of universities or university associations. Non-academic partners can also be part of a consortium.
The overall objective of Tempus is to contribute to the creation of an area of cooperation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Partner Countries in the countries neighbouring the EU.
Проєкти ТЕМПУС в ЛНУ / TEMPUS Projects at IFNUL
As part of Tempus Programme, more than 300 projects have been financed in Ukraine between 1994 and 2013, including about 166 Joint Projects, 40 Structural Measures, and about 100 Individual Mobility Grants. More than 85 million funds invested by EU to Ukraine for 20 years of Tempus Programme implementation in Ukraine.
IFNUL was involved into several TEMPUS projects:
1. 543802-2013-UK-JPHES-ESTABLISHMENT OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY INNOVATIVE CENTRES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF VIRTUAL LABORATORIES (MICVL) IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE (Створення багатопрофільних інноваційних центрів для розвитку віртуальних лабораторій (MICVL) біології та медицини). Сoordinator – University of Westminster, Great Britain.
2. 543990-2013-DE-JPCR-TRAINING ON ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AS AN APPROACH FOR ENSURING OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Навчання альтернативному вирішенню суперечок як підхід до забезпечення прав людини). Coordinator – University of Potsdam, Germany
3. 530181-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DETEMPUS-SMGR INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: EU EXPERIENCE ON NIS COUNTRIES’ GROUND (Інтегрована система управління університетом: впровадження досвіду ЄС на території країн СНД). Coordinator – University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
4. 530360-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPCR DEVELOPMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF MULTILINGUAL TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS AT UNIVERSITIES OF GEORGIA AND UKRAINE (Розвиток та впровадження освітніх програм з мультилінгвальної підготовки вчителів в університетах Грузії та України). Coordinator – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
5. 530391-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SI-TEMPUS-JPCR EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY LAW AND GOOD GOVERNANCE (Європейська політика добросусідства та ефективного врядування). Coordinator – University of Maribor, Slovenia
6. 530534-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-SMGR IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF STUDENT SERVICES (Підвищення ефективності студентських служб). Coordinator – Northumbria University, UK. IFNUL Responsible Person – Prof. Mariya Zubrytska
7. 530601-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-PL-TEMPUS-SMHES INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT: BOLOGNA-STYLE QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKS (Інформатика та менеджмент: кваліфікаційні рамки, що відповідають Болонським стандартам). Coordinator – Universitet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, Poland.
Detailed info about TEMPUS projects in Ukraine please find at: http://tempus.org.ua/en/tempus.html