Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe – National Contact Point of Ukraine

General Information

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. Following the Multiannual Financial Framework Midterm Review (MTR) decision, the indicative funding amount for Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2027 is EUR 93.5 billion.

It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.

The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies.

It creates jobs, fully engages the EU’s talent pool, boosts economic growth, promotes industrial competitiveness and optimises investment impact within a strengthened European Research Area.

Legal entities from the EU and associated countries can participate.

Programme features
Programme duration 2021-2027
Lead Directorate-General Research and Innovation
Predecessor programme Horizon 2020
Management mode Direct and indirect management
MFF heading Single Market, Innovation and Digital
Cluster Research and Innovation
Climate contribution 35% () (target)
Total budget 2021-2027 € 93.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion under NGEU () (current prices)
Relevant regulation Regulation (EU) 2021/695 of the European Parliament and of the Council

New elements in Horizon Europe

  • European Innovation Council: Support for innovations with potential breakthrough and disruptive nature with scale-up potential that may be too risky for private investors. This is 70% of the budget earmarked for SMEs.
  • Missions: Sets of measures to achieve bold, inspirational and measurable goals within a set timeframe. There are 5 main mission areas as part of Horizon Europe.
  • Open science policy: Mandatory open access to publications and open science principles are applied throughout the programme
    Factsheet: Open science in Horizon Europe
  • New approach to partnerships: Objective-driven and more ambitious partnerships with industry in support of EU policy objectives

More information:

Presentation outlining Horizon Europe

How the Horizon Europe programme was developed

International cooperation in the programme


Програма “Горизонт 2020” – Попередні проєкти в ЛНУ / Horizon 2020 Previous Projects at IFNUL

1. 872146 — RESBIOS — H2020-SwafS-2018-2020/H2020-SwafS-2019-1-RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies (RESBIOS). Тривалість проекту / Duration – 01.01.2020-31.12.2022. Coordinator – University of Tor Vergata, Italy. IFNUL Responsible Person – Professor Natalia Sybirna

RESBIOS aims to deeply embedding 3 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) practices within 4 Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) in the field of Biosciences from 4 European countries, through the implementation of RRI Grounding Actions (GAs), to achieve sustainable institutional changes in the various institutions, related to RRI keys, according the MoRRI indicators and Sustainable Development Goals. The project is focused on the biosciences sector which is one of the crossroads in the relations between science and society. The project will set a mutual learning environment including the four partners implementing GAs, some “RRI mentors” having already participated in a EU project about RRI in biosciences, partners experienced in Evaluation and Technical assistance, an international scientific Advisory Board, representatives of other EU projects, and representatives of Quadruple Helix actors. Unchanged: