Going to Ukraine: visa and rules






  For getting an entrance visa it is necessary to appeal to the Consular Representative Office of Ukraine in the country with a corresponding statement and to put in the next documents:

– passport;

– original of invitation for studies;

– original and a notarized copy of the educational document (in Ukrainian) with received grades/marks in the studied disciplines;

– birth certificate (an original and notarized translating into the Ukrainian or Russian language);

– document about absence of HIV infection (an original and notarized translating into the Ukrainian or Russian language);

– medical certificate about the state of health, witnessed by the official organ of health protection of foreigner’s country given out not later than two months prior to departure on studies to Ukraine (an original and notarized translating into the Ukrainian or Russian language);

– round-trip ticket with the open date of return to motherland with the term of action not less than one year.

All the above mentioned documents must be witnessed. Additional documents for your visa and visa fees find at Ukrainian Embassy/Consulate for your country: https://mfa.gov.ua/en/foreign-diplomatic-institutions-ukraine


Registration of a temporary residence permit

Countries with a visa entry procedure

Citizens of countries with visa entry procedures arrive in Ukraine with a visa type D (D-13), received at the consular institution of Ukraine on the base of the invitation issued by the University. They are obliged to provide the International Office with a passport and documents necessary to apply for a temporary residence permit in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as Posvidka) within five working days after arriving to the university, but not later than 30 days before the expiration of the visa.

Countries with a visa-free entry (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan)

Citizens of countries with visa-free entry may stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Such foreigners are obliged to provide the International Office with a passport and documents necessary to apply for a posvidka within five working days upon arrival to the University, but not later than 30 days before the expiry of the established period of stay in Ukraine.

In order to prepare a complete package of documents for the further registration of posvidka, a foreigner or a stateless person who has arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of study shall submit the following documents to the International Office (Universytetska Str. 1, room 209):

• a passport with a type D-13 visa, unless otherwise provided by the legislation and international agreements of Ukraine;

• notarized translation of passport;

• a valid health insurance certificate.


Information for foreign citizens studying or working at the University / Інформація для іноземних громадян, які навчаються чи працюють в Університеті

Документи, необхідні для виготовлення чи продовження терміну дії Посвідки на тимчасове проживання в Україні (Issuance of temporary residence permit):

1. Нотаріально завірений переклад УСІХ (!!!) сторінок паспорта;

2. Страхування (українська або завірений в Україні переклад іноземної страхівки);

3. Фото 3.5х4.5 cm (4 штуки);

4. Оплачені квитанції (звертатися у Відділ міжнародних зв’язків університету або на сайт Державної міграційної служби).

Іноземні студенти, слухачі чи викладачі повинні прийти у Відділ міжнародних зв’язків університету до 5 днів після перетину державного кордону України або за 30 днів (щонайбільше) до закінчення терміну дії посвідки (контактна особа – Іванна Мищишин).


The order of registration, issue, exchange, cancellation, transfer, withdrawal, return to the state, invalidation and destruction of the temporary residence permit is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 25.04.2018, #322

Foreigners who have arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of study and received Posvidka are considered to be legally residing in Ukraine for the period of study. Posvidka is issued to foreigners and stateless persons who have reached the age of 16 years.

Posvidka is made in the form of a card containing a contactless electronic data storage device.

Documents for registration of Posvidka (including reissuance of the lost or stolen one) or its exchange shall be submitted personally by a foreigner or a stateless person to a state-owned enterprise belonging to the management of the SMS (State Migration Service) or a regional office of the SMS at the place of registration.

Documents for the issuance of Posvidka are submitted not later than 15 working days before the expiry of the established term of stay in Ukraine.
In case of occurrence of circumstances (events) after which Posvidka is the subject to exchange (except for the expiration of its validity), documents for its exchange shall be submitted within one month from the date of occurrence of such circumstances (events).

In case of expiration of the validity of Posvidka documents for its exchange may be submitted not later than 15 working days before the date of expiration of its validity. In such a case when Posvidka which needs to be exchanged is returned to the person and is turned in at the time of receipt of new Posvidka.

After obtaining Posvidka, the foreigner is obliged to submit it to International Office (Universytetska Str. 1, Room 209) for registration of the place of residence in Ukraine within three working days.