

IFNUL University is proud to have one of the oldest (1608) libraries in Ukraine. Its collection contains over 3 million volumes.

At IFNUL you can use central library at two main locations:

Central Library of IFNUL (Main Building) – Drahomanova Str. 5

Central Library of IFNUL (Building №2) – Drahomanova Str. 17

Phone: +38(032) 239-47-54,


There is also possibility to use IFNUL faculty libraries. List of faculty libraries with contacts you may found at:

Open Hours

Reading Rooms: Monday-Saturday 10:00-18:00

Bibliography Reading Room: Monday-Saturday 10:00-17:00

Rare Book Reading Room: Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00

Faculty Libraries: see

Working hours may change during holiday periods (public holidays, summer vacation).

Registration at IFNUL University library

If you are currently a student of IFNUL and have your student card, you can apply for IFNUL library card. Library cards are issued at IFNUL central library, Drahomanova Street 17, 1st Floor, Registration Services (take your passport and student card).

More information about printing, copying, scanning, electronic databases, how to order and borrow a publication, order from reading room or other services: