ShortcoursesPortal is the International Study Choice platform. Its mission is to bring transparency to the wealth of study opportunities in Europe´s, in particular opprotunities within summer and winter schools.
Summer Schools in is the perfect starting point to explore Europe, a continent of great diversity of place, culture and identity.
● UNICA Portal − Discover Summer and Winter School Programmes from the Universities of the Capitals of Europe (Deadline – залежно від типу школи)
UNICA Summer & Winter Schools portal provides easy access to summer & winter schools and programmes offered by UNICA member universities.
● Tomas Bata University in Zlin – Summer Schools (Deadline – залежно від програми)
Широкий вибір літніх шкіл від партнера Львівського національного університету – Tomas Bata University in Zlín (Чехія).
● DAAD Portal − Language and Short Courses in Germany
● Humboldt University of Berlin− Winter and Summer University (HUWISU) (Deadline – залежно від типу школи)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is looking forward to serve as a meeting place for students from all over the world throughout winter, spring and summer. Dynamic and highly motivated team of HUWISU is preparing an interesting and versatile programme for its participants.
● Freie Universität Berlin − International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS) (Deadline – залежно від типу школи)
FUBiS is an intensive, academic program through which students can earn credits that may be counted towards their degrees at their home institutions. FUBiS sessions run for 3 to 6 weeks and take place both in summer and winter.
● University of Padova – Summer and Winter Schools (Deadline – залежно від типу школи)
Every year, in keeping with its policy of promoting internationalization, the University of Padova offers students the opportunity to attend Summer and Winter Schools organized in collaboration with academic institutions or other international organizations.
● Tallinn Winter School (Deadline – Registration opens October 1, 2023)
Tallinn Summer and Winter School offer the best Estonian-language specialists teaching at the highest level, and the program provides exposure to a wide range of internationally-acclaimed academics. In addition, participants will be introduced to the finest aspects of Estonian local culture.
● Edinburgh College − Certificate English Language Courses – ESOL (Deadline – в залежності від типу програми)
This course is for students who want to improve their use of English for entry to university or further study, or to register as a doctor or nurse in this country.